Mon. Feb 10th, 2025

PTSD – A Brief Explanation

PTSD, which is an acronym for post-traumatic stress disorder, is a mental health condition that occurs in some people after they have experienced a trauma of some kind. It was once known as ‘shell shock’, which was the term used to describe soldiers who had come back from war and were traumatized by their experiences. 

It is important to note that not everyone who experiences trauma will suffer with PTSD. However, those who do may go on to relive their experience either through flashbacks or nightmares. PTSD can have a massive impact on the individual’s ability to live a normal life. It can lead to feelings of isolation and guilt, and it can interfere with daily activities.

What Causes PTSD? 

As mentioned above, traumatic events can often result in PTSD. Such events could include: 

  • being involved in, or witnessing, a serious road accident
  • being abused in any way
  • losing a loved one
  • having a negative childbirth experience
  • being violently attacked 
  • being bullied.

What are the Symptoms of PTSD? 

While some people will start to experience symptoms of PTSD very soon after the event, others might not be affected for months, or even years, afterwards. There are a number of different symptoms associated with PTSD, and not everyone will experience the same ones. Additionally, symptoms can be mild for some people but horrific for others. Below are a few of the symptoms that are common among PTSD sufferers: 

  • distressing memories of the event
  • reliving the event
  • terrifying nightmares
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • feeling detached from loved ones
  • having negative thoughts about yourself and others
  • self-harming behavior
  • self-destructive behavior
  • feelings of anger and aggression
  • feelings of shame or guilt
  • trouble sleeping
  • panic attacks
  • difficulty focusing. 

How is PTSD Treated? 

Not everyone will require psychotherapy for their PTSD symptoms. If the symptoms are mild, they may not have too much of an impact on the person’s life; they could even subside with time. Having someone to talk to about your feelings can help, and there are various strategies that you can try to reduce the symptoms when they occur, such as breathing exercises, distraction, and listening to music. The experts at Maloca Sound say that group music therapy sessions are also beneficial for those dealing with PTSD. 

If your PTSD is particularly severe and you are finding it hard to lead a normal life, you may need to see a doctor and potentially access some therapy. As mentioned above, music therapy is one such treatment that can help with PTSD, but there are many others too. Below are just a couple of examples. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is designed to help those dealing with the symptoms of PTSD to change their negative beliefs and associations. The idea is that by altering the person’s thoughts, it will have a positive impact on their behaviors. 

Group Therapy 

Group therapy can come in many forms. It can, for example, incorporate elements of CBT or it can be music based. During group therapy sessions, individuals with PTSD can share their experiences in a safe environment with other people who are also struggling with similar symptoms. 


PTSD is the term used to describe the mental health condition that often occurs in people after they have experienced a traumatic event. PTSD can lead to symptoms such as nightmares, reliving the event, anxiety, and stress. It affects individuals in different ways, and it can occur soon after the event or many years later. 

The symptoms of PTSD may or may not need to be treated, depending on the support network of the individual and the severity of the condition.

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